Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Greetings from the House House

Well, it finally happened today. The final inspection -- FINAL INSPECTION! -- for our modest abode in Menlo Park occurred today. All the lights work, all the utilities are safely connected, there are stairs or deck landings outside every door, and unbelievably, we are now free to begin to get an actual mortgage.

The saga has been lengthy, almost entirely due to the crazy bank mania of the past year. From having one appraisal to needing three, from having a local appraiser to requiring one "untainted" by local knowledge and probable collusion with a lender, from "work in progress" funds to everything must be done to qualify for the funds you need to finish...

This would make a book nearly as good as "Marley and me" but I don't have the heart to write it. Instead, I picked up a copy of "Trotsky: Downfall of a Revolutionary" by Bert Patenaude that came out yesterday. It is gripping, and certainly reveals that we mostly live mundane lives compared with someone of his visibilty and stature.

"May you live in interesting times"


Unknown said...

Although I am loathe to correct you, Chuck, I'm afraid mania ain't quite the correct description of banking activity over the last year. Two or three years ago, yes. But this past year would have to go on the more "depressive" side of the bipolar ledger.

Nevertheless, glad to hear you got it done. Would love to see it some time.

Chuck House said...

Depressive mania, howze that?

Done, and even moved into... well, sorta

We may try to do the "annual Xmas party" this year, first time in a long while. Stay tuned