Monday, July 12, 2010

where did the time go

My gosh, here it is almost mid-July, and nearing the "autumn" of my days, meaning that I turn seventy in eight days!

The time does fly by, especially when you're having fun. And I have been having some, indeed.

A big trip happened in May/June, traveling to Long Island, NY for a Board meeting (where I resigned as Board Chair after five years), then to London (where I gave a talk for HP Enterprise Group, a FIRST!) and HP Bristol Labs and then to Warwick Business School for a fun evening about Innovation. Then on an early morning flight to Madrid, followed by a late-evening flight to Sao Paolo, Brazil where I was part of a Monitor Group three-day workshop. On the back end, I stopped over in Lima, Peru, which turned out to be fortuitous and exciting.

There is an ancient city about 200 kilometers from Lima north along the coast, built some 5,000 years ago, with nine ceremonial pyramids, built all at once some 400 years before the Egyptians got with their program. This historic site called Caral is hardly known, and gets very few visitors. I had a car, driver, and guide to myself, as well as the assistant curator of "the dig" for several hours. Regal treatment for a truly fascinating experience. Go check out

Coming home after a whirlwind two weeks, I was glad to be back in California, but surely privileged to have had the excursion.