Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We were off to the Marin (CA) headlands, specifically to the Tiburon Yacht Club, yesterday to celebrate Easter with Jenny's Irish-Catholic paternal family side. 54 worthy souls showed up, on a sodden rainy blustery day out on a spit in San Francisco Bay. Beautifully stormy, and the kids made the Easter Egg hunt a piece of cake even in the downpour (1.1 inches of rain in 3 hours). Volleyball, crochet, and sack races all got scrubbed, but the conviviality and love flowed like always. Meredith surprised a few cousins with news that her twin girls (now 3 years old) will have a baby joining them in August; Tommy Dowley brought a lovely girl to the party -- a diver on the Berkeley diving team (whose major is PHYSICS, hooray!). The hit of the day for at least one attendee was the platter of barbequed oysters -- scrumptious!!!