And Google's new proposal makes sure that the consuming public does well, if not authors. But then have you weighed a recent copy of Business Week alongside an issue from a decade earlier? For grins, I compared and found today the issue is about 76 pp. vs. 180 pp. ten years ago. Missing a lot of ads is the first observation. Missing judicious reporters might be another sign.
But, writing is a lonely pursuit anyway. I think you mostly write for yourself, and then if you are lucky, someone else might read it as well. If you are really lucky, a dialogue might start. Note how many rejoinders are in this blog, for example. Tom Peters, with the most popular business book of all time -- six million copies in two years -- got 36 letters, only eight of which asked deeper questions. His cryptic comment -- "I did better than one in a million!"
Get Naked and Drunk sounds actually more like a Jimmy Buffet theme. Sounds good to me